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Abstrack:  Efforts to Improve Student Achievement in Science Subject Matter Tool Circulatory On Humans in Class V SD N 1 Raman Jaya. Learning science in SD N 1 Raman Jaya still low, this is due to the methods used by teachers are less precise with the submitted materials so that learning is less attractive and less active students.  This research was conducted with the aim that student achievement in science subjects the material circulation in the appliance can be increased after applied man demonstration methods. Implementation of improvement of learning conducted in two cycles, each cycle includes: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection.  From the research it can be seen an increase in student achievement that is in pre-cycle students who completed only 9 votes or 32.14%, the students who completed the first cycle increased to 15 people or 53.57% and the second cycle students who pass get 20 people or 71.43%. Involvement of the student and teacher performance is also increasing every cycle. This proves that the use of demonstration methods in social studies on human blood circulation material in class V SD N 1 Raman Jaya can improve student achievement.Keywords: academic achievement, Student Activities and Methods Demonstration  PART I PRELIMINARYA.  Background Education is basically an interaction between educators with learners to achieve educational goals that took place in that particular environment. According Sardiman (2010: 34) "Interaction between educators with learners termed educational interaction is the interplay between educators with learners".  The interplay between educators with learners educators larger role, because of his position as the older, more experienced, more control of values, insights and skills. The role of learners more...