
Efforts to Improve Student Achievement in Science Subject Matter Tool Circulatory On Humans in Class V SD N 1 Raman Jaya. Learning science in SD N 1 Raman Jaya still low, this is due to the methods used by teachers are less precise with the submitted materials so that learning is less attractive and less active students. 

This research was conducted with the aim that student achievement in science subjects the material circulation in the appliance can be increased after applied man demonstration methods. Implementation of improvement of learning conducted in two cycles, each cycle includes: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. 

From the research it can be seen an increase in student achievement that is in pre-cycle students who completed only 9 votes or 32.14%, the students who completed the first cycle increased to 15 people or 53.57% and the second cycle students who pass get 20 people or 71.43%. Involvement of the student and teacher performance is also increasing every cycle. This proves that the use of demonstration methods in social studies on human blood circulation material in class V SD N 1 Raman Jaya can improve student achievement.Keywords: academic achievement, Student Activities and Methods Demonstration 

Background Education is basically an interaction between educators with learners to achieve educational goals that took place in that particular environment. According Sardiman (2010: 34) "Interaction between educators with learners termed educational interaction is the interplay between educators with learners". 

The interplay between educators with learners educators larger role, because of his position as the older, more experienced, more control of values, insights and skills. The role of learners more as a receiver or as a follower so that the effect is called the learners.Education helps learners in the development itself that is developing all the potential, skills, and personal characteristics into a more positive direction both himself and his environment. 

Education not only provides knowledge or values ​​or skills training. Education serves to develop what is potentially and actually has owned learners. Learners have to have something, a little or a lot, it has developed or actualized or completely still potential.The learning activities are designed to provide a learning experience that involves mentally and physically through interaction between all learners, students with teachers, environmental, and other learning resources in order to achieve basic competence learning experience is to be realized through the use of learning approaches vary and centered on participants learners. 

Learning activity includes life skills that need to be mastered learners.Natural Sciences (IPA) are associated with the natural way of finding out about a systematic manner, so that the IPA is not only a mastery of knowledge in the form of a collection of facts, concepts, or principles, but also a process of discovery. 

Science education is expected to become a vehicle for students to learn about themselves and the environment, as well as prospects for further development in applying it in our daily lives. The learning process emphasizes providing direct experience to develop competencies in order to explore and understand the universe around scientifically. Science education is directed to inquire and doing so can help learners to gain a deeper understanding of the nature around (the minister: 2006).

Lesson IPA aims to improve the understanding of the material by the application in daily life that aims to improve students' motivation is finally able to draw their own conclusions.Learning science in SD N 1 Raman Jaya has not given satisfactory results, obtained student learning achievement is still low. 

Based on the data I get from the pre cycle obtained unsatisfactory results of tests in science subjects the material means of circulation of blood in humans result is unsatisfactory, from KKM which have been set at 70 only 10% of students scoring above the KKM. The average value of only 55. The low student learning achievement is due to improper application of the method in learning, in addition to the students' learning activeness less. Therefore teachers need to conduct repairs learning through action research (PTK).

According to the research Sumiatun Ning with the title use demonstration method can improve student achievement in identifying properties Flat in class V SD Negeri 2 Tugumulyo District of Lempuing demontsrasi states that the method can improve learning achievement of math lesson and whether it can also improve performance in elementary school science lessons. 

On learning activities take place turned out to be the level of participation and student achievement is still low, learning is still centered on the teacher, students are less skilled to answer questions or inquire about the concepts being discussed, and students are less able to solve the problem and the application of materials in everyday life is still low.

In response to these problems, researchers are working to raise student achievement in the learning process by changing the way / learning model through the implementation of demonstration methods. Researchers try to do PTK (Class Action Research) with the title: Efforts to Improve Student Achievement Class V Creative Tools on Human Circulatory through Methods Demonstration in SD N 1 Raman Jaya.

1. Identify the ProblemBased on the above it can be identified with the following issues:a. Low student understandingb. Submission of materials less attractivec. Students tend to be passived. The method used is less appropriate to the material

2. Problem Analysis
From the identification of the above problems, it can be analyzed several issues that become causes of low student achievement in learning. These factors include:

a. There is no compatibility between the methods used by teachers with the material presented.
b. Teachers positioned itself as the only source of learningc. The teacher was not giving students the chance to ektif in learning activitiesd. Students are not motivated so do not understand the material presentede. Students are not interested in learning delivered because it is not involved

3. Alternatives and Troubleshooting
To find a solution to the above then do repairs learning. Troubleshooting is carried out is to change the method and to actively engage students in learning activities.The method used in solving problems in learning is a method of demonstration. It is expected to use this method would be more active student learning so that they do not feel sick and tired. Students will better understand the material presented by the teacher because they were directly involved, and ultimately will increase academic achievement.

B. Problem Formulation
In this learning improvement research, problem defined is "How to efforts to improve student achievement in grade V in science subjects the material circulation in the human instrument through methods demosntrasi in SD Negeri 1 Raman Jaya?".

C. Objective Learning ImprovementThere are several things of interest in research into the improvement of learning are as follows:
1. Describe a concrete way using demonstration method in learning activities.
2. Analyze the impact of the use of methods demosntrasi in an effort to improve student achievement in grade V in science subjects the material circulation in the human instrument through methods demosntrasi in SD Negeri 1 Raman Jaya.

D. Benefit Research Learning Improvement
The study of learning improvement is expected to be useful for:

1. Teacher:a. Improving the ability of teachers to adapt the method to the material presented.b. Adding insight in order to more effectively manage the learning.c. Increasing the professionalism of teachers in implementing the learning.

2. Student:a. Improve student achievement, because with the use of an attractive method makes students more motivated to learn and easy to understand the material presented.b. Become more passionate in learning as actively involved in activities.

3. Schools:a. A reference in the learning process so that the vision and mission set can be achieved.b. Adding to the quality of education which is implemented in schools.

A. Achievement
1. Understanding 
Each of the learning process always has the learning objectives of achieving the learning objectives that generate learning achievement.Achievement is "the result of an activity that has been done, is created, which is pleasing obtained with tenacity working either individually or in groups in a particular field".

In general Indonesian Dictionary Third Edition Balai Pustaka Ministry of Education (2007: 123). "Achievement is as an ability".Of the opinion of the authors to conclude that achievement is the encouraging results achieved from an act or ability to implement measures to achieve.

Learning is an individual process attempts to obtain new behavioral changes as a whole, as a result of the experience in interaction with the environment regarding the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. (Slameto, 2010: 2).Learning is one of the important human needs in his quest to survive and develop itself in social life. 

Learning to be an important requirement because with the rapid progress of science and technology that encourage renewal in all aspects of human life, human demand for the pursuit of reform and progress. Efforts to pursue it must be done through a process called learning.

The definition of learning achievement is the result of the measurement and assessment of learning effort. In Great Indonesian Dictionary Third Edition Balai Pustaka (2007: 895), learning achievement is the knowledge or skills developed by the subjects usually indicated by test scores or numerical value assigned by the teacher.

According Sarrdiman (2010: 68) rnenyatakan that learning achievement is the results achieved as well - good to the abilities of children at certain times of the things - things that worked or done ".From the description above authors conclude that learning achievement is the result of learning that has been achieved according to the capabilities that are not owned and characterized by developmental and behavioral changes in a person concerning the overall changes that include cognitive, affective and psychomotor required from studying with certain time, academic achievement can be expressed in terms of value and the results of tests or exams.

To achieve the feat of learning, a lot of factors that influence it. Learning outcomes characterized by behavioral changes in all aspects of the Child have outstanding behavior in general will show four kinds of behaviors that can set them apart from other children. According Slameto (2010: 12) four kinds of behavioral changes are:

a. In a variety of situations, they will show a strong effort to always be able to solve every problem faced completely.
b. They generally have a sense of competence about themselves.
c. They also continue to compete with their peers in achievement.
d. They are trying to show the results that have been achieved some teachers and parents.

By knowing the learning achievement of children, we can know the position of the child in the classroom, whether children, including groups of children clever, moderate or less.

2. Factors Influencing Learning 
Achievement Factors that affect the learning achievement Slameto suggests that the factors that affect learning are classified into two groups, namely: Internal and External Factors Factors. Internal factors are factors that exist in individuals who are learning, while the external factor is a factor that is beyond the individual. 

According Slameto (2010: 54-69) these factors are:

a. These internal factors of the self-learners include:1) physical factorsThat affect learning in advance of physical factors other than health factors, Disability2) Psychological factorsAt least there are seven factors that belong to the psychological factors that affect learning. These factors are: Intelligence, Attention, Interest, Talent, Motif, maturity, readiness.3) The fatigue factorFatigue at someone though subtle but can be divided into two kinds, namely physical fatigue and exhaustion spiritual (psychic).

b. External factors that come from outside the self-learners include:
1) Factors of familyLearners who learn will accept the influence of the family include: how parents educate, relationships between family members, the house, understanding parents, the cultural background and economic circumstances of the family.

2) Factors of school Factors that affect learning schools include teaching methods, curriculum, educators relationships with learners, learners relationships with students, school discipline, lessons and school time, learning standards, state building, learning methods, and housework.

3) Factors of society Communities are external factors that also affect student learning. idiom occurred because the student presence in the community. Factors of the community, among others: the students' activities in society, mass media, friends get along, shape people's lives.By knowing the internal factors and external factors of course, every parent is able to understand the needs of their children.

3. Success Rate
Each learning process always results in learning outcomes. the problem is to what level of achievement (results) of learning that has been achieved. In connection with this the success of the learning process is divided into several levels or extent. According to Saiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2005: 107) levels of success are:

1. Special / maximum: If all the material taught lessons that can be mastered by students.
2. Good once / Optimal: If the majority (76% s.d. 99%) of subjects taught can be mastered by students.
3. Good / minimum: If the material taught subjects only 60% s.d. 75% are occupied by students.
4. Less: If the material taught subjects less than 60% occupied by students.

B. Nature of Learning 
science in SDIPA is required in everyday life to meet human needs through solutions to problems that can be identified. Learning science should be taken of scientific inquiry (scientific inquiry) to foster the ability to think, work and communicate scientific attitude as well as an important aspect of life skills. 

Therefore, learning science in SD / MI emphasizes providing direct learning experience through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitude.According to Amalia Sapriati et al (2013: 2.3) a teacher is required to have sufficient ability and creativity so that learning science can terselenggarakan effectively and efficiently. 

Development of science learning interesting, fun, decent, appropriate context, and supported by the availability of time, expertise, facilities and infrastructure are activities that ridak easily implemented.
1. Purpose Learning science in SDThe purpose of science subjects conducted in primary school is that the students have the following capabilities:
a. Gaining confidence in the greatness of the Almighty God by the presence, beauty and order of his creation
b. Develop knowledge and understanding of science concepts that are useful and can be applied in everyday life
c. Develop curiosity, positive attitude and awareness about their relationship interplay between science, environment, technology and society
d. Develop process skills to investigate the nature around, solve problems and make decisionse. 

Raising awareness to participate in preserving, maintaining and preserving the natural environmentf. Raising awareness to appreciate nature and all its regularity as one of God's creationsg. Acquire a stock of knowledge, concepts and skills of science as a basis for continuing education to SMP / MTs.

2. Scope of IPA in SD
Scope of the study material IPA for SD / MI according depdikas (2006) includes the following aspects:
1. Living organisms and life processes, namely humans, animals, plants and their interaction with the environment, and health
2. Objects / materials, properties and uses include: liquid, solid and gas
3. Energy and the changes include: the style, sound, heat, magnetism, electricity, light and simple aircraft
4. Earth and the universe include: the land, the earth, the solar system, and other celestial objects.

C. Study On Methods Demonstration 
1. Understanding 
Learning is an activity that aims, which involve the activity of students and educators activity. To achieve the learning objectives required the existence of alternative teaching methods that can be used as a tool to achieve that goal. In the process, educators should use teaching methods are varied to achieve the learning objectives. 

Determination method of learning is determined by factors of interest and materials, facilities and learning resources are available, the competence of teachers and students' condition.Method has a very significant role in the learning activities. Capabilities are expected to be owned by the students, will be determined by kerelevansian to use a method that is fit for purpose. (Winataputra, 2004: 4:25).

That means learning objectives will be achieved by the use of appropriate methods, in accordance with the standards of success which was engraved in a goal. The method used in the learning activities may vary.

Method means applying work methods to facilitate the implementation of an activity in order to achieve predetermined objectives, the method can also be defined as the way in which educators in establishing relations with learners during the course of teaching. Thus, the learning method is a tool and wasilah to deliver a message that will be conveyed to students in the learning process. 

(Harto and Abdurrahmansyah, 2009: 49)From the above understanding can be concluded that the teaching method is a method or technique used educators to interact with students during the learning process takes place. According Harto and Abdurrahmansyah (2004: 85) states Demonstration method is one method of teaching by using the demonstration to clarify a process, event, or the workings of a tool for learners.

Meanwhile, in the opinion of Djamarah and Zain (2005: 51) method of demonstration is a way of presenting the material with meragakan lessons or demonstrated to the students a process, situation, or particular object being studied, either real or imitation, which is often accompanied by verbal explanation.With the method of demonstration, the admissions process will be more memorable lesson in depth, thus forming a fine and perfect understanding. Also students can observe and pay attention to what is shown during the lesson. 

(Harto and Abdurrahmansyah, 2004: 90).From the above opinion the authors conclude demonstration method is a method of teaching by way of demonstrating goods, events, rules and order of doing things activities, either directly or through the use of teaching aids relevant to the subject that is being presented in order to provide a thorough understanding to students so that the principal aim of learning can be achieved.

2. Characteristic Method 
DemonstrationAccording Winataputra (2004: 4:25) characteristic demonstration methods there are five, namely:a. Exhibiting the actual object,b. There is a process of imitation,c. There are tools that are used,d. Requires a strategic place that allows all students active,e. Teacher or student can do.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages and Advantages of Using Methods Demonstration
a. Excess Methods Demonstration
Demonstration methods are well used to obtain a clearer picture of the ha-matters related to the process of arranging things, the process of making things, the workings sesuat, the process of working or use, the components that make up something, comparing a way the other way, and knowing or see the truth of something. 

Methods have advantages and disadvantages, as follows:Excess demonstration method according to Saiful Bahri Djamarah in his book (2005: 239) is:1) Helping students understand clearly the course of a business process or an object.2) Facilitate the various types of explanation, because the use of language can be more limited.3) Errors that occur from the lecture can be corrected through observation and concrete examples, by presenting the actual objects.

b. Disadvantages Method Demonstration
Besides having advantages demonstration method also has its drawbacks. According Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2005: 91) lack demosntrasi methods include:1) This method requires the skills of teachers in particular, because without supported by it, the implementation of the demonstration will not be effective.2) Facilities such as equipment, space, and an adequate cost is not always available with either.3) Demonstration requires preparedness and planning in addition to requiring a fairly long time, which may be forced to take time or another school hours.

c. Advantages of Using Methods Demonstration
The advantage of using the method according to zakiah Daradjat demonstration (2008: 297) between are:1) The attention of children can be concentrated and center of gravity are considered essential can be observed sharply,2) The learning process because the child will be increasingly directed its attention will be more focused to what is demonstrated,3) If the child is engaged, then they will gain experience or knowledge embedded in his soul and is useful in the development of skills.

From the description above, the writer can draw the conclusion that the advantages of the method demonstration facilitate the understanding of the students of the explanations that have been submitted and to correct errors that occur from the lecture, the lack of demonstration method is the need for specific skills of a teacher with careful planning that takes a long time and also not always the availability of infrastructure for the demonstration method, while the upside is concern students will be centered with the learning process more effective and more children will gain experience or knowledge that is inherent when actively involved.

4. Step-by-Step Method Using Demonstration
According Munjin Nasih and Lilik Nurkholidah (2009: 64-65) steps using the demonstration to go through stages as follows:a. Preparation phase :During the preparation stage there are some things you should do:1) Define the goals to be achieved by students after the demonstration ended. This objective includes several aspects such as, aspects of knowledge, attitudes, or certain skills.2) Prepare outlines steps that the demonstration will be conducted. The outlines of the steps demonstrations diperlukann as a guide to avoid failure.3) Do a test demonstration. The trial includes all the necessary equipment.

b. The implementation 
stage:1) Step opening Before the demonstration carried out there are some things that must be considered, including:a) Arrange seating that allows all students can pay attention to what is clearly demonstrated.b) Indicate what goals should be achieved by the students.c) Indicate what tasks should be done by the students, for example, students are assigned to record the things that are important from the implementation of the demonstration.

2) Step execution of demonstration a) Start of demonstration activities with activities that stimulate students to think.b) Create an atmosphere that is soothing to avoid a tense atmosphere.c) Ensure that all students attending the demonstration by observing the reaction of all students.d) Provide opportunities for students to actively think of more appropriate what is seen from the demonsrtasi process.

3) Step terminate DemonstrationIf the demonstration is done, the learning process needs to be terminated with memberika specific tasks in connection with the implementation of the demonstration and the achievement of learning objectives.

A. Subject, Place, Time Research, the Party Help
1. Subject ResearchWhich became a subject in the study were all students of class V A SD Negeri 1 Raman Jaya subdistrict Belitang II totaling 28 people. Consisting of 14 male students and 14 female students.This study subjects Natural Sciences on material studies of the blood circulation in humans.

2. Place ResearchThis research was conducted at the State Elementary School 1 Raman Jaya is located in the village of Raman Jaya subdistrict Belitang II East OKU District.

3. Time ResearchWhen the study is the semester in the academic year 2014/2015 1. That took dated October 7 to carry out the first cycle and October 21 for the second cycle.

4. The Parties HelpIn the implementation of field practice, many parties involved and assist in the Classroom Action Research (PTK), especially teachers and principals. In this study, researchers assisted by a colleague in implementing learning activities.

B. Repair Procedures Design Education
By learning Improvements Implementation Procedures performed Classroom Action Research (PTK), Where in last 2 cycles. As each cycle consisting of the following activities:
1. Planning
2. Implementation
3. Observation
4. Reflectionfirst cycle

The subject is given to the improvement of the learning cycle 1 is equal to the subject in the early learning or prasiklus. Learning the first cycle is different from the pembelajarn pre-cycle, which has been fixed lesson plan. 

With alternative solutions to problems based on the results of pre-cycle reflection. After holding the identification of problems, and permusan problems and alternative solutions to problems, the learning cycle I ready to be implemented by stages as follows:a. planLearning improvement cycle 1 was conducted by planning several things including:1) Plan learning materials in accordance with the result of improved learning pre-cycle.2) Plan indicators to be achieved3) Setting up of media used drawing tools blood circulation in humans.4) Set up guidelines for observation5) Prepare the observation sheets 6) Set up an evaluation toolb. 

Implementation of the learning cycle 1 on October 7, 2014, with the number of students who attended 28 consisted of 14 male students and 14 female students -Eighteen. Implementation of the first cycle for 2 x 35 minutes or one meeting. In the implementation of this first cycle of researchers aided by colleagues who made observations of researchers in learning.

The activities are:1) Delivering Competency Achievement Indicators and competence expected 2) to motivate the students and explain the benefits of learning to be implemented 3) Display images of blood vessels 4) Indicates portions of blood vessels 5) mendemosntrasikan of circulatory 6) describes the functions g and blood vessels 7) appoint the students take turns to show portions of blood vessels in the image 8) The teacher asks questions about things that are not yet known to students 9) teacher and student questioning rectifying misconceptions, provide reinforcement and conclusions 10) Make conclusions11) evaluation

c. Observation At this stage the teacher is assisted by colleagues carry out observation to see how learning changes that have been implemented. At this stage it is found that there are still many students who have not mastered the material on the tool blood circulation in humans, so most students can not answer some of the questions provided. The teacher therefore take steps to make improvements.

a. ReflectionAt this stage the teacher together with colleagues held a recollection to establish corrective measures in the next cycle, which is effective demonstration of media images as not maximized. Furthermore, together with colleague teachers make instructional improvements to implement the second cycle.cycle 2 Learning improvement cycle 2 is implemented based on lesson plans that have been made on the results of the reflection cycle I. 

That rests on some of the problems identified in the improvement of the learning cycle 1 of the observation of the supervisor 2 to the involvement of the student, the final test results and the results of teacher reflection. On the implementation of the second cycle of learning improvement phases are as follows:
a. plan Planning improvement of learning in the second cycle is similar to the first cycle, the difference in the second cycle there are some changes acts as additional measures during the implementation of learning. 

The systematic plan of action as follows:1) Plan learning materials in accordance with the result of improved learning pre-cycle. 2) Plan indicators to be achieved 3) Setting up of media used drawing tools blood circulation in humans.4) Set up guidelines for observation 5) Prepare the observation sheets 6) Set up an evaluation toolb. ImplementationLearning sikus 2 held on October 21, 2014 starting at 8:05 pm until 9:10 o'clock pm with observed by one observer.

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