A. Background
Mathematics is a universal science that underlies the development of modern technology, which has an important role in various disciplines of science and promoting the power of human thought. The rapid development in the field of information and communication technology today is based on the mathematical developments in the field of algebraic number theory, probability theory analysis and discrete mathematics. To master the technology and creating future robust mathematical mastering needed early on.

Mathematics courses should be offered to all learners from primary schools to equip learners with the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic, critical, and creative, as well as the ability to cooperate. The competencies required so that learners can have the ability to acquire, manage, and use information in order to survive in a state that is always changing, uncertain and competitive.

At the primary school level mathematics has a very significant role towards learning mathematics at school the next level. Because mathematics is a learning process that is interrelated and continuous between early learning with the learning process further. In other words, if mathematics is not controlled at the level of the basic means to the next level will not be overpowered or if you want to master definite difficulties will be encountered and the only way is to learn again from the bottom. ,

From the above it can be assumed that the mathematics courses have value is strategically important in preparing human resources superior, reliable, and innovative since the early (elementary school age). Things become an obstacle for this is less packed with the method of learning mathematics interesting, challenging and fun.

Teachers often deliver material just traditional mathematics (whatever they are), without taking approach to the problem. In other words, learning is done only with the monotonous teaching model at the top, so that learning mathematics is perceived as something that is gripping, less boring attract students and ultimately make student performance unsatisfactory.

On the other hand also because of the tendency of students to be active still low especially in MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Desa Maju OKI, this is evidenced by the results of semester exam students over the last 3 years on average under KKM, namely: 1) Academic Year 2007/2008 average -rata semester exam results of students' grades I and II is 54.00 while the KKM determined was 55.00, the number of students who received grades above KKM only 10 (45.5%) students of the total number of students which is 22 students, 2) Academic year 2008/2009 evaluation results semesters I and II, the average value of students is only 53.00 and KKM determined is 56,00.

The number of students who received grades above KKM only 11 (47.8) students of the total number of students as many as 23 students and, 3) The school year 2010/2011 evaluation results of the first semester KKM predetermined value ie 56.00 average students only 55.00, the number of students who received grades above KKM only 12 (40%) of students of the total number of students is 30 students.

To answer the above problem is actually a lot of methods that can be used in mathematics. One way is to use the method of recitation or assigned. Recitation method or the provision of duty is a way of teaching in which the teacher provides specific tasks so that students learning activities both inside the classroom and outside the classroom or a specific place, and after the activity is completed the students should be held accountable.

The assignment of teachers by teachers can deepen learning materials, and can also be used to check the material being studied. Tasks and recitation stimulate children to actively learn either individually or in groups. From the above description, the researcher conducting research actions
classes in an effort to improve understanding of the subject matter of mathematics subject of data processing through the method of recitation

B. Problem Formulation
From the background of the above problems, the problems can be defined is "Is the recitation method can improve students' understanding in mathematics subject of data processing for class VI MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Lempuing OKI Forward"?

C. Research Objectives and Purpose
The purpose of this class action research, which is to determine students' understanding in mathematics subject of data processing in class VI MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Forward Lempuing OIC.
The benefits of this research is expected to provide significant usability, especially in mathematics. The expected benefits are:

1. For the teacher
a. Can increase knowledge about a variety of learning methods to improve and enhance the system
learning in the classroom. So that the problems faced by both
by learners and teachers in the learning process
b. To determine the impact of the use of the methods used against the students' ability to master the subject matter.

2. For learners
a. Students can be motivated towards the understanding of the subject matter.
b. Students will master the subject matter that has been conveyed
c. The results of student learning will be increased.

3. For schools
Fixing learning system that had been in effect.

Reader Review D.
Research related to the research conducted by the author, among others, research conducted by Untung Markuat in his thesis entitled "Efforts Understanding Students Against Concepts Math In Summation Denomination Methods FAQ" in SDN 2 Tugumulyo District of bLempuing Ogan komering Ilir, written in 2009, using the method of question and answer, he concludes that: "the courage of the students can be enhanced by providing an opportunity to demonstrate a material"

Agus Widarto in his thesis entitled "Efforts to Improve Understanding Students On How To Simplify Forms Fractions Through Group Work With Using worksheets in Learning Mathematics in Grades IV SDN 2 Dabuk Rejo subdistrict Lempuing Ogan Ogan Ilir, he concludes that:" Methods of group work in using LKS can improve student understanding and achievement of students ".

From the results mentioned above, equations with research by the author is, the subjects of these two studies are used as basic mathematics and the discussion is about the quest to improve student understanding.

Differences of research conducted by the author with the study was from the methods used and the subject or subjects used as research material.

E. Framework Theory
1. Method Resitasi
The learning method is a way or ways in delivering course material to achieve certain goals. Method serves as a stimulus from the outside who can evoke one's learning and as a support in achieving the goals that have been formulated. successful learning method is a successful learning process that ultimately serves as determinitas quality of education.

Recitation method or methods of administration tasks is learning method that emphasizes the provision of duty by teachers to students both individually and in groups. The purpose of this method is to train students to be able to complete a number of skills, specific skills and then accountable to the teacher.

In the execution according Zuhairini and Ghafir in Munjin Nasih and Kholidah students are not only able to complete at home but also be able to complete in a library, laboratory, lab spaces, and so forth.
But in this PTK, implementation of recitation or administration tasks are performed at math learning takes place, that is, after the teacher delivering course material.

Recitation method or the provision of a given task is done by the students in groups in the library or in the school environment under the guidance and supervision of teachers. This is so that students really do the work assigned by the teacher as well and did not tell others do it.

By completing the tasks assigned students will better understand the material that has been delivered. Accountability of students to the teacher on duty that has been submitted is to motivate students toward his work and to instill the values of responsibility in students.

2. Understanding Students
The understanding comes from the word "Understood" which means understand the truth about something. While the students are understanding the process, act, how to understand something. And learning is an attempt to gain an understanding, the nature of learning itself is the search for and find meaning or sense. In this regard J. Murshell said: "The contents of the lessons that are meaningful to the child can be achieved when teaching prioritizes understanding, insight (insight) instead of memorization and practice.

Achievement of students' understanding can be seen at runtime learn how to teach. As well as other activities, activities learning seeks to determine the level of success (Understanding) students in achieving the goals that applied then evaluation of learning outcomes have suggestions in the form of spheres contained in the aim of which is classified into three kinds, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.

3. Subjects math
The term comes from the Greek Mathematics "Mathematikos" is an exact science, or "mathesis" which means teaching, knowledge of abstract and deductive, in which conclusions are not drawn from experience keindraan, but the conclusions drawn from the rule - specific rules through deduction.

The subjects of mathematics different from other subjects. The difference lies in:
a. Objects Abstract talks, even in teaching school children are taught concrete objects, students are still encouraged to do abstraction.
b. Discussion rely on reasoning system, meaning that the initial information is made as efficiently as possible in the form of understanding, another notion must be explained the truth to the system of logical reasoning.
c. Definition / concepts or very clear statement tiered thus maintained its consistency.
d. Involves the calculation (operation).
e. Can be used in other sciences as well as in everyday life.

F. Research Methodology
1. Subject Research
This classroom action research conducted in MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Forward Lempuing District of OKI. The subjects were used as a classroom action research is the second semester of sixth grade mathematics Year 2010/2011, namely on the subject of data processing.

Students in MI Nurul Hasab has characters are as follows:
a) The Intelligence
The level of intelligence of students of MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Forward basically have the intelligence - average. Although there is a small portion of students are below average intelligence. The intelligence level of students can be seen from several times a learning process starting from RP 1 to RP 3 increased understanding and knowledge.

b) School Environment
- MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Maju have sufficient local, amenities
No toilet among other students, teachers' toilets, and a library room like school in general.
- Most people around the school in response to the school program as evidenced by student discipline in complying with regulations made by the school, such as school uniforms in accordance with the specified day. With a fairly safe school environment and surrounding communities are still as simple as how to dress is not so neat and spoken word. but the cooperation with the school so well that all the school facilities can be kept neat, clean and safe.

c) Background Family / social economy
Parents of students consists of a wide - wide employment rate of workers, farmers, and traders. The education level of the parents so low that the majority of the awareness of parents about the importance of education is very low and inadequate.

2. Description per Cycle
In this PTK made various instrumental input that will be used to provide treatment in PTK namely lesson plans that will be used as PTK, namely the Basic Competency (KD): Solving the problems associated with the data.

Implementation of the Action Research (PTK) will be carried out in three cycles, namely:
1) The first cycle consists of:
1. Planning
2. Implementation / Action
3. Observation / Observation
4. Reflection

2) Cycle II consisting of:
1. Planning
2. Implementation / Action
3. Observation / Observation
4. Reflection

3) Cycle III consisting of:
1. Planning
2. Implementation / Action
3. Observation / Observation
4. Reflection

a. plan
In implementing the Action Research (PTK) in order to achieve the desired learning objectives it is necessary to -persiapan preparations such as:
1. Creating a learning improvement plan
2. Make the observation sheet
3. Set up an evaluation tool

b. Research actions
At this stage of the actions taken include apersepsi and activities. Apersepsi done to condition students to be ready to carry out learning activities to identify the properties of flat wake. At this stage of the activities carried out actions in accordance with a predetermined plan.

c. Instrument Making
To find out the results of a Class Action Research (PTK) necessary observations on the implementation and improvement of learning outcomes by making the observation sheet observers or obsevator performed by peers.

d. Reflection
According IGAK Wardani Class Action Research is the research conducted within its own class teacher through self-reflection, with the aim to improve its performance as educators, so that the study of students be increased.

Reflection conducted to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the action taken so that it can be made a benchmark for improvement measures in the next cycle. Having obtained the result of reflection from the first cycle followed the implementation of the second cycle and the implementation of the third cycle.

3. Respondents Research
Informants in this intensive search is the head of MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Forward, board of teachers, students and those involved in the study.

4. Engineering Data collection
There are several techniques that writers use in collecting data in this study, is as follows:
1. Observation
Observation was noticed something by using the eye. This means that with this method the authors obtained data through direct observation in MI Nurul Hasab Cahya forward in the learning process.

2. Interview
Interview techniques or interview is a dialogue conducted interviewer to obtain information from interviewees. Interview techniques intended to get the data you need any explanation from the informant, in practice researchers directly face to face with informants to obtain information that researchers need.

3. Tests
The test is an instrument used to measure the fundamental skills and achievements or interpretation. Through this technique the authors obtain the data from the results of daily tests.

4. Documentation
Method of documentation is seeking data on things or variables such as notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, report cards, legger, agenda, and so forth. Documentation methods used to obtain the data and examine the documents relating to research data.

5. Types and Sources of Data
a. Data types
1. The quantitative data in the form of daily test results and formative tests after students follow the teaching and learning process.
2. Qualitative data is data activity of students in the learning process.

b. Data source
Which is the source of data in this research is the students as research informants, the class teacher as co-observer and observation principals and teachers of other subjects.

6. Data Analysis Techniques
to draw a response from the data analysis of this study, the authors conducted several stages: examination (editing), Coding (coding), classification, tabulation, and finally draw a conclusion (verification). In accordance with the data collected, then analyzed using the formula presentation as follows:
P = X 100

G. Systematics Discussion
Report Writing PTK is divided into several sections, this is done to make it easier to understand in reading the report this PTK, while the systematic discussion of PTK is as follows:

1. The initial part
In the early part of this PTK report consists of a title page, endorsement, approval of the test team, abstract, introduction, table of contents, list of tables, and a list of attachments.

2. Section contents
In this section, which is a fundamental part of thesis consists of five chapters as follows: Chapter I is preliminary investigated the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, the purpose and usefulness of the research, literature review, theoretical framework, hypothesis, research methodology and systematic discussion.

Chapter II is the theoretical basis of research that explores the theories that support the implementation of the research framework and action hypothesis. Chapter III, described the setting of the study area Chapter IV describe the implementation of the research and the results of the discussion are planned in three (3) cycles, each cycle consisting of four (4) phases: planning, implementation phase, phase Observation of, and the stage of reflection, tool data collectors, data sources and techniques of data collection, as well as indicators of success, and Chapter V contains conclusions and suggestions cover

3. The final part
In this part is a supporting part consisting of a bibliography, appendices, and curriculum vitae.


A. Understanding Learning Methods
Etymologically derived from the word method Method which implies a systematic way of working to facilitate the implementation of activities in achieving a goal.

According Nasih and kholidah learning method is defined as the principles underlying the activities of directing the development of a person's particular learning process, the method can also be interpreted as the principles underlying the activities of directing one's development, especially in the learning process.

It can be concluded that the learning method is a method or system that underlie the development of a person's direct activities in the learning process that aims to make students able to know, understand, use, mastering a specific lesson materials.

One that never leave the teacher is how to understand the position of the method as one of the components that take part in the success of teaching and learning activities. Frame of mind is thus not a strange thing, but real, and it is really well thought out by a teacher.

B. The nature of Methods of Recitation
According Ramayulis recitation method is a way of teaching where the teacher gives specific tasks to students, while the results will be reviewed by teachers and account thereof.
According to Saiful Sagala method of administration tasks and recitation is a way of presenting the material in the lesson where the teacher gives specific tasks so that students do learning activities, then must give account.

According Djamarah and Zain recitation method is a method of presenting the material in the lesson where the teacher gives specific tasks so that students learning activities.
The basic principle of this method according to Ramayulis as mentioned in the letter Al Al Qur`an Mudatsir verses 1-7:

Meaning: "O you who berkemul (covered), Arise and deliver warning !. and glorify your Lord !. and purify your clothes and leave sin, and do not give (with intent) gain (children) more banyak.dan to (fulfill the command of) your Lord, be patient. "(Al-Mudatsir Q.S.: 1-7)

According to the above opinion can be concluded that the method of recitation (assignment) is a way of teaching that is conducted by a teacher to present the lesson material through the provision of specific tasks to students so that students learn and the results will be examined later give account.
According zakiah daradjat with this method it is expected that students learn freely but responsibly and students will know the difficulties experienced then attempt to participate in overcoming these difficulties.

The center of this method are the students and give them in order to solve the various problems, respond and think about the problem. What matters is how students can think freely scientific (logical and systematic) so as to solve the problem, solve it, and be accountable.

In mathematics in every chance should begin with an introduction that is appropriate to the situation, and then to raise the issue in context, learners gradually guided to master the mathematical concept, and therefore the method of this recitation of the mathematical concepts can be mastered by learners gradually ranging from the granting or recognition of the problem.

1. Characteristic Method Resitasi
Recitation method in addition to stimulate students to actively learn, either individually or in groups, also instill responsibility, therefore, the task can be given to individuals or groups.
In this method according to zakiah Daradjat, a teacher must know bebarapa the following requirements:

1) The assignment must be related to the lessons they have learned, so that students in addition capable of doing is also able to connect with a particular subject.
2) Teachers should be able megukur and estimated that the task given to the students will be implemented as appropriate
with ability and intelligence he had.
3) The teacher must convey to students that the tasks assigned to them will be done on its own consciousness arising from the heart.

2. Importance of Learning Method with Recitation
Recitation method is very important use in learning not only the subjects of mathematics alone. This is because this method can stimulate students 'learning activities individually or in groups, to develop students' independence outside the supervision of teachers, fostering responsibility and discipline students, and can develop kreatfitas students.

With this method of recitation students will be actively obtain data which berikaitan with the task in hand. They will be able to communicate with the resources associated with the task they are completed. Mindset towards finding a solution will be developed in the students even without supervision because at the end they will be accountable for the tasks they perform.

Therefore, it is very important to use this method in mathematics because in principle the study of mathematics is to solve the problem to find out the mathematical concepts.

3. Learning Steps Method with Recitation
The steps to be followed in the use of methods recitation by Djamarah and Aswan Zain, namely:
a. Phase duty assignment
The task will be given to students should consider:
1) Objectives to be achieved
2) Type the task clear and precise so that the child understands what is assigned to them.
3) In accordance with the ability of students
4) There is a manual / resource that can help the student work
5) Provide enough time to do the work.

b. Step Duties
1) Given supervision / guidance by the teacher
2) Given a boost so that children want to work
3) Done by the students themselves, do not tell others
4) It is recommended that students record the results obtained properly and systematically

c. Phase Accounting for assignment
Things to do in this phase are:
1) Report of students both oral / written from what he was doing.
2) There is a question and answer / discussion in class.
3) the results of student work well with test and non test or other means.

C. Comprehension Students
The level of understanding of students in the learning process is different. The understanding comes from understanding the meaning understood correctly. Student understanding means students' mastery of subject matter that has been submitted. Here the sense of understanding of an operational nature, among others:

a. Comprehension is defined as a view of a relationship
The understanding here means from the first definition,
which is interpreted to have an idea about the understanding of the issue. Something was conceived while the facts of the matter are collected.

b. Comprehension is defined as a tool to use facts
This understanding is closer to the latter definition, namely
the growing understanding of the experience, in addition to doing, someone also keep good things from his good deed. Through experience, there was the development of a person's environment that he can do in intelligence through forecasting events. In the sense here we can say someone to understand an object, process, ideas, facts if he can see how to use these facts in various destinations.

c. Comprehension is defined as seeing the use of something
productive. In this case the understanding construed to imply that if a person with a principle that will be remembered and can be used in other situations.
Other sources mention understanding can be interpreted master something with the mind, because it means having to learn mentally to understand the meaning and philosophy, intent and implications and application, causing students to understand the situation.

Comprehension is the second stage in the teaching objectives in the region or cognitive. Cognitive region include objectives related to thinking, knowing and solving problems. Student understanding includes the ability to grasp the meaning and significance of things learned.

The understanding is one of the psychiatric realm centered in the brain associated with konasi (the will) and affective (feeling) is concerned with the realm of taste. The understanding is part of human cognitive. In a further development of cognitive term became popular as one of the dominant or region / domain of human psychology covering every mental behavior.

From the definition given above, the understanding can be defined as a process, how and ability that a person in this case is the students to link concepts or facts according to their knowledge and grasp the meaning and significance of what they have learned by way of reiterating what they have acquired to other forms. Comprehension is the ability of a person to be able to connect concepts or facts that are relevant according to their knowledge. So operationally it can demonstrate, to give an example, draw conclusions, and others to the concept in question.

D. Subjects Mathematics
According to Jonson and Rising in Asep Jihad describe the mathematics is pattern berifikir, pattern mengaorganisasikan evidentiary logic, mathematics is a language, a language that uses the terms defined carefully, clearly, accurately, with the symbol of a solid, more a language of symbols on the meaning of the sound , In his discussion of mathematics has two objects filmed the direct object, comprising: facts, concepts, principles and operating procedures.

While the indirect object is the implication of the math learning process, namely good work habits, ability Converting workings (manipulation in a positive sense, as well as building a mental concept (character) good as honesty.

Learning Mathematics in Primary Schools based Excerpt Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 covers the following aspects 1) numbers, two) of Geometry and Measurement, 3) Data Processing. Mathematics courses intended that students have the ability, namely: 1) understand math concepts, explain the link between concepts and apply concepts or algorithms, flexibly, accurately, efeisen, dab right, in problem solving. 2) using the reasoning in the patterns and nature, perform mathematical manipulation in making generalizations, compile evidence, or explain mathematical ideas and statements. 3) solve problems that include the ability to understand the problem, devised a mathematical model, solve the model and interpret the obtained solution. 4) communicate ideas with symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify the situation or problem. 5) have an attitude appreciate the usefulness of mathematics in life, are curious, attention, interest in studying mathematics, as well as a tenacious attitude and confidence in solving problems.

Mathematics in unit
education SD / MI includes the following aspects:
1. Numbers
2. Geometry and Measurement
3. Data Processing
Based mathematics curriculum SBC function is as a platform to: 1) develop the ability to communicate using numbers and symbols and, 2) Develop sharpness reasoning to clarify and resolve the problems in daily life.

In this study, the authors make the standard of competence in research is to solve the problems associated with the data that is on the basis of competence presents data tables and charts to form an image, stems and circles. This is consistent with the curriculum SBC subjects of the second semester of sixth grade math.


A. Identity Research Subjects
1. The research
This classroom action research conducted in MI Nurul Hasab Cahya Forward District of Lempuing Ogan Ogan Ilir for Mathematics. As the subjects in this study is a sixth grade school year 2010/2011 the number of students as many as 30 people.

Selection of this school beside the workplace researchers also aim to improve and enhance the learning process.
2. Time Research

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