PART I PRELIMINARY A. Background The scouting movement as the only container scouting activities in the school is a place of education for children which is carried out with full kegembiraaan, full of educational and done outside school hours and hours of family. As the only activities of scouting, scouts expected to provide an important role in the improvement and mental attitude formation and learners at a good attitude. Good attitude in the sense berakhlaq noble manners, so sacrificially, patriot, sacred in every thought and deed, devoted to his god, and all other manner. Expected short scout members can implement and Tri Satya Dharma Dasa which is a code of ethics and scout promise. For a more active role in the formation of attitudes, the scout movement is need for uniformity of action for the management of the scout movement joined in a front line. There is a close relationship between students and students as scouts, scout leader and assembly elements supervising front line. Without the good cooperation of the elements was not possible scouts play an active role in shaping the attitude of learners. Therefore, for alignment and harmonization measures, necessary to formulate a work program next cluster that contains everything that can set the pace and movement of the front group. The work program as signposts exercising their scouting activities in schools is a reference that must dilaksa-ual elements of the front group manager. B. Basic Activity Which form the basis of future work programs scout groups are: 1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 238 of 1961 on the Scout Movement 2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia number 57 of 1988 on Ratification of the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement 3. The national scouts Decree No. 103 of 1989 About the Bylaws of the Scout Movement 4. The work program outlined in the school work program of student affairs SMP Negeri 1 Peterongan year 2009/2010 C. Objectives Goals to be achieved with the formulation of this work program: 1. To provide executive direction to the forefront in order to exercising the performance of the front line can run well. 2. As a means to improve the quality of education in schools scouting. D. Goals Objectives of the work program are the elements that are present in a front group that includes: 1. Elements Assembly Front Line Supervisor (Mabigus) chaired by the Principal as the highest authority in the school assisted by Student Affairs, Curriculum Affairs and elements designated teacher. 2. Elements Scoutmaster who is implementing elements of technical activities in a front group that includes instructor Scouts, coaches or scouts who have minimal certificate Elementary Advanced Course (KMD) 3. The auxiliary builder which includes members of enforcement, Pandega and other elements that have a desire to become a member of the scout well. 4. Learners who became the object of scouting education in schools that are divided into standby, raisers, enforcement and Pandega according to the age level of students. CHAPTER II PROGRAMME OF WORK FORCE AHEAD The work program 1527-1528 base front group SMP Negeri 1 Peterongan can be explained and broken down as follows based on the time of program implementation. Each group program is divided into several areas of activity. The division of the program group is as follows: A. General Program Frontline 1527-1528 1. Field Activity and Exercise of Students a. Achievement SKU b. Achievement SKK 1) 2 kinds of SKK Religion 2) two kinds of SKK Patriotism and Cultural Art 3) two kinds of SKK Agility and Health 4) 2 kinds of SKK Skills and Techniques Development 5) 2 kinds of SKK Social, Humanitarian, the Mutual Cooperation, Public Order, World Peace and the Environment c. Improving the quality of training scout level raisers include: 1) Ramu 2) Raft 3) arranging d. Gladian Team Leader (1 times) e. The campsite on Saturday and Sunday (2 times) f. Browsing and Survival Game g. Far campsite and Wandering (1 times) h. Competition Level I (1 times) i. Bakti Masyarakat (2 times) j. Delivery squads raiser to the level Kwartir Branch, Branch, Regional and National Kwartir k. Activities with other front groups (compound exercises) l. Deliberation Front 2. Field of Adult Education a. Delivery builder for lessons activities of Trustees held Kwartir Twig and branch quarter b. Delivery builder for meetings held Kwartir Twig and branch quarter c. The meetings were attended by the Front Line MABIGUS 3. Infrastructure and Administration Ensuring the availability of paperwork and facilities to support activities that include the Front Line: a. Parent Book Frontline b. Seals Front c. Journals Activity Books Daily / Weekly d. Books Financial Administration e. Inventory List Frontline f. Front Line Guest Book g. Semester report Frontline h. Note Milestones Front (Log Book) i. Procurement Tent Scout j. Pionering procurement tool that includes: 1) rope scout 2) Stick k. Frontline flag that includes: 1) Flag Tunas Kelapa 2) The World Scout Flag Men 3) The World Scout Flag Women l. Semaphore flags and Morse m. Board Names Front n. Studio Bakti Scout 4. Finance Fundraising activities that include: a. Contribution learners b. Donations of MABIGUS c. Other donations are not binding B. Translation of courses in Semester Elaboration of programs in the 1527-1528 base half of the front line of SMP Negeri 1 Peterongan can be described as follows: PROGRAMME OF WORK FORCE FRONT ODD SEMESTER Month: JULY 2009 to DECEMBER 2009 No MONTH ACTIVITIES TO KET. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Acceptance of squad members X 2. Exercise SKU Penggalang X X X X X X 3. Test SKU Penggalang Ramu X X X 4. Exam SKU Penggalang Raft X X X 5. Test SKU Penggalang Terap X X X 6. Examination SKK X X X X X X 7. Gladian Team Leader X 8. The campground nearby (Persami) X X 9. Browsing and Obstacle X 10. Community Bakti X 11. Exercise combined X X 12. Competition Level I X 13. Semester Report to Kwartir Ranting X 14. Membership fees X X X X X X 15 Following the activities in Kwartir Branch, Branch, Regional and National customize WORK FORCE NEXT PROGRAM EVEN SEMESTER Month: JANUARY 2010 until JUNE 2010 No MONTH ACTIVITIES TO KET. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Exercise SKU Penggalang X X X X X 2. Test SKU Penggalang Ramu X X X X 3. Test SKU Penggalang Raft X X X 4. Exam SKU Penggalang Terap X X 5. Exam SKK X X X X X 6. Gladian Team Leader X 7. The campground nearby (Persami) X 8. Browsing and Obstacle X X 9. Bakti Society X 10. Exercise combined X 11. Semester Report to Kwartir Ranting X 12. Membership fees X X X X X X 13. Selection of the best scout X 14. Deliberation Frontline X 15. The campground is far and Wandering X 16. Following the events in Kwartir Branch, Branch, Regional and National customize C. Translation of Each Program 1. Exercise Routine Scout In doing regular exercise can be broken down as follows: a. Exercise routine every Saturday starting at 14.30 pm and ends at 16.30 pm b. The routine exercise done by the provision of material and SKK SKU along with field practice c. Giver matter is the Maid of Trustees (enforcement) and Scoutmaster. d. Details of routine training materials are: 1) The United Nations and the Scout Ceremony 2) Pionering, ropes, various bond 3) Password scout (secret letter) 4) Understanding and Tri Satya Dharma Dasa 5) History of Scouting 6) General Proficiency Requirements (SKU) Penggalang Ramu, Rafts and Terap 7) Terms Specific Skills (SKK) 8) PDMPK (Basic Principles of Education methodically Scouting) 9) Scout Encampment and LDK (Basic Leadership Training) 10) Signs Footprint, Survival Game and Browsing 11) Game Scout 12) Other activities in the form of incidental and spontaneous activity 2. Excavation Funds through Member Dues In support of all activities required funds. For the fundraising done by conducting dues for each member of each exercise routine. The amount of contribution of each member is Rp. 500, - up to Rp. 1.000, - (depending on the decision of the Meeting of Members with Job Boards Penggalang). 3. Deliberation Front 1) Deliberation Front (Mugus) is a form of consultation activities undertaken next cluster members to determine the future viability of the group. 2) In the event formulated: 1) Structure of Front Line Assembly Supervisor 2) The structure of Trustees Frontline 3) Member of the Board Front (Works Council Penggalang) 3) The participants in the activities of the Council Frontline (MUGUS) are: 1) Member Representative covering Pinru and Wapinru each team 2) Top Team Leader (Primary) son and daughter 3) The coach scout 4) Assistant coaches comprising the Rover Scout 5) The element of Front Line Assembly Supervisor (Mabigus) which includes the Principal, Vice Principal, Pembina OSIS, and unusur teacher in charge of extracurricular Scout. 6) Elements School Committee 7) The element of Community Leaders around the Frontline 8) Elements Kwartir Ranting Ranting mainstay among Affairs Penggalang 4) This activity can be carried out simultaneously in the form of campground activities on Saturday and Sunday at the school. 4. Activities campground a. The campsite Day (Persari) 1) Persari activities carried out in the second and fifth in each half 2) This activity usually starts at 07.00 pm and ends at 15:00 pm (one day) 3) These activities include: • Browsing and hurdles • Event joint exercise • The visit to a place of recreation (Trowulan, Mount Pucangan, Wonosalam, etc.) • Basic leadership training • Competition Level I b. Near the campsite (School) 1) The activities carried Persami the fourth month of each half 2) The activities are activities that began campsite on Saturday and Sunday at 14:30 pm (Saturday) and ends at 09.00 pm (Sunday) 3) Various kinds of activities that can be included in the activities Persami are: • Reception forces (new member) • Inaugural Event Rate Increase • Event Deliberation Front (MUGUS) • Basic Leadership Training (LDK) c. Far campsite (out of school / outside the district) 1) This activity is performed at the End of Semester 2) In the first semester (first) is placed in tourist activity in Jombang district, while in the second semester (second) are placed on campsites that are outside Jombang district. 3) In the exercise of this activity is at least 2 days a maximum of 5 days 4) The activities that can be included in this activity are: • Bakti Community Activity • Activity Travel Kemah (Jamboree) • Activity Basic Leadership Training (LDK) • Event Competition Level I • Activity odyssey or Kemah relay • Team Leader Gladian 5. Report Routine To Kwartir Ranting a. These activities are carried out each month b. Things that are reported is the state of the front line that includes keanggota front groups and activities that have been carried forward group at a certain time. 6. Incidental Activity a. This activity is carried out programs that do not bind b. These activities are carried out in accordance with the circumstances, conditions and requirements c. Of activities in this activity is • The visit to the front of the group members due to illness, condolences or other activities (based on invitation) • Following the activities from outside of the front group (Kwaran, Kwarcab, Kwarda, Kwarnas and other Gudep) Matrix D. Activities of the Working Penggalang The work program 1527-1528 Gudep Penggalang Job Board Junior High School 1 Peterongan can be described in a matrix of activities. The matrix of activities of the Governing Council of Penggalang Gudep 1527-1528 are as follows: (ATTACHED)

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