an institution of higher education, whose main task is to build and develop
human resources, with a central position is a student.
PTAI has two major advantages namely excellence in terms of understanding and
maturity against religious values are universal and understanding and
maturity of the national values. The realization of the advantages of the two
maturity that accumulates in the curriculum developed at the PTAI religious'
curriculum and the curriculum is patterned nationality (toindonesiaan). So
figure PTAI students will have a basic and integrated scientific concept, ie,
between the religious sciences and general sciences (integrated).
the understanding that both the student PTAI will have ideology and nationality
bow broad and plural, as well as contextual universal religious understanding.
This is the figure of students PTAI be built. The concept was also recently
been demonstrated by the history of the development PTAI in Indonesia from time
to time.
of Islamic Religion (PTAI) has a long history, stems from the idea KH.Wahid
Hashim who was then Chairman of the Religious later became a minister of
religion. PTAI initially is a fraction of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the
Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta.
government regulation number 34 in 1950 Fak. Islamic religion UII jogyakarta
turned into PTAIN consisting of three faculties namely the Department of
propaganda would become Fak. Ushuluddin, Department Qodlo turned into Fak.
Sharia, the Department of Education turned into Fak. MT. In a further
development UII retaining Fak. Religion as a trade mark UII as the first
private Islamic universities in Indonesia.
PTAI birth in Indonesia is the shape of the aspirations of the Muslim
community, especially in an area then, almost every region in Indonesia has
sought to establish PTAI with different styles and characteristics of each.
PTAI birth of each area of course motivated by several things including:
PTAI birth of each area of course motivated by several things including:
The need for higher education and equal opportunities form of education for the
To further deepen the insight and knowledge of religious and other sciences.
Through PTAI can be obtained maturation of knowledge and religious knowledge
broadly and comprehensively so that the mission of Islam as rahmatan lil
alamiin can be realized.
PTAI also in the subsequent development capable of forming students and alumni
who understand Islam in a comprehensive and moderate.
the history of its development is so long PTAI then got the space for
comprehensive so that students and alumni have a plus, because the religious
authority in his hands could be grounded in a language that can be understood
by the public at large, so that students and alumni PTAI could be a political
observer , politicians, print and electronic journalists, NGO activists,
bankers, lawyers and others partially.
are several other more power possessed by the College of Islamic Higher
education compared with others, such as:
College Islam by while people deemed able to provide complete life provisions
regarding both the mundane aspects and hereafter.
Having emotional support comprehensive community
Bears the motivating force was transcendent that it grow in an environment
lacking other higher education institutions.
institution of higher learning with a view on the strengths and chances are
still very likely in the future, that they can win the competition and become
the alternative college with a note:
Origin managed, properly led and able to build and expand the network of
cooperation with other institutions both local level, regional and
international levels.
revitalization efforts, continuous improvisation including vision and mission
in the future,
Consider the needs of consumers,
innovation and updating managerial and leadership that is tailored to the needs
of the times and the environment, as well as the need for breakthroughs in
establishing and strengthening a network of partnerships with other
between universities is one of the strategic efforts in solving various
weaknesses that carried a higher education institution. In addition, the
cooperation is performed in order to open the valve institutional isolationism
facing universities, both at the level of local, national, regional, and
international levels.
universities through cooperation with other agencies are expected to be able to
be fulfilled trigger for new breakthroughs in the management, improving the
quality of education, professionalism and so forth. Various problems faced by
universities both in the academic, institutional, energy, financing and
employment opportunities for alumni can be tackled properly through good
cooperation between the college and / or other institutions, at home and
If the concept model human above can be realized, meaning students PTAI has become embryos and are in the process of implementation of the development and formation of qualified human resources. Indicators of qualified human resources is as follows:
If the concept model human above can be realized, meaning students PTAI has become embryos and are in the process of implementation of the development and formation of qualified human resources. Indicators of qualified human resources is as follows:
Have faith and piety
Have manners
Has knowledge and skills
Have a physical and spiritual health
Having a personality and independence
Have a civic responsibility and nationality.
Self-criticism and a source of weakness IAIN
accompany the journey, since the first year of its foundation (1960) up to the
age of approximately 60 years now. IAIN never escape from self-criticism from
the community Academic its own, but it is not solely to drop IAIN dignity, but
for the benefit and advancement IAIN. IAIN many views on the extremely limited
access in the world of job search ha was stated by Prof.A.Chotib Qudwain,
former rector of IAIN Sultan Toha Jambi, he come to feel disappointed Alumni
IAIN difficult to get a job based on their background.
In fact Alumni IAIN only a small portion can be absorbed by the jobs, especially jobs that are available in the Ministry of Religion, as a teacher, counselor family planning programs through religion, religious judges, and other educational personnel in educational institutions run by the ministry of religion. Minister of Religious Affairs also provides a sharp criticism against IAIN, which is considered weak in foreign languages, weak methodology, and weak in mental science.
In fact Alumni IAIN only a small portion can be absorbed by the jobs, especially jobs that are available in the Ministry of Religion, as a teacher, counselor family planning programs through religion, religious judges, and other educational personnel in educational institutions run by the ministry of religion. Minister of Religious Affairs also provides a sharp criticism against IAIN, which is considered weak in foreign languages, weak methodology, and weak in mental science.
the source of strength and simultaneously IAIN wide impact lies
in the development of the quantity that is difficult to control. The positive
aspect of deployment IAIN:
Provide access for young people to Islam for the opportunity to attend higher
Giving pattern for society as civil society and the character of Islam.
Encourage missionary activities in the surrounding communities.
An opportunity for teachers and civil servants to improve the skills and
competencies and educational standards required for a job, for example a
teacher at MTs by applicable laws and regulations, must have a bachelor.
weakness of growth in quantity IAIN so rapidly that uncontrolled is
Difficult meet made of costs and infrastructure and adequate
educational facilities
Difficult educators meet both quantity and quality.
Difficult improve the capacity and quality of lecturers through a diploma or
non-diploma programs because of funding constraints or first scholarship for IAIN / STAIN
And most important, and broad impact on the state of life, is that the number of
institutions that is not controlled by the sub-standard quality, IAIN continues
to print educated personnel that cumulatively, the heightening unemployment.