Islamic Greater Information Growth Strategy

Islamic education has something very significant strength is maintained or developed. It may be seen from a philosophical or conceptual stage and on experiences of Islamic schools from a chance to time have been able to grow among the characteristics of community. Featuring the issues to train in our nation nowadays, is clearly not a simple issue, it is necessary for precise information.

 Though very difficult for us to obtain precise information. Data mistakes can result in error research, and so our discussion became unrelated. Nevertheless, the issue to train is not a condition in itself. Information can be announced as a "crossroads" between community and social development, such as technological innovation. Information is not something that is free. It impacts and is affected by the health of the atmosphere. He can provide but simultaneously he also received. He produces but also produced. Therefore, there is a propensity in education is not only limited to generate individual actions, but progressively evolved towards community objectives.

(Djohar MS, 13) Islamic spiritual education as one of the primary followers of the nationwide education program in purchase to enhance the standard of Indonesian individual, give color to the growth of faith and piety (Imtak) in purchase to complete the advancement of technological innovation (Science and Technology) adult this. The balance between the progress of technological innovation and imtak anticipated to generate students who have a feeling of responsibility for the globe and the hereafter.

 Technological advance is released from a spiritual sizing or the other way around, sought to at what is pointed out by Einstein in his famous words: technological innovation without religious beliefs is sightless, religious beliefs without technological innovation is boring (science without religious beliefs is blind; religious beliefs without technological innovation would be paralyzed).

 Islamic spiritual education contains a broad feeling, since not only pertaining to education meaning of expertise, but also education meaning of character. Information meaning of expertise it would be useless if it did not involve the research of character, because spiritual education is not sufficiently calculated at kognetif world alone, but also involves the effective and psychomotor. Islamic Information actually anticipated to head in appreciation, so the attitude and actions of spiritual sipenganut will be in range with its spiritual knowledge.

 Our education in the era of change facing two requirements at once. First, individuals requirement for the standard of our education is low, and the second is not appropriate education with the requirements of the growth of community. In range with the nationwide education face issues coming into the era of globalization is the era of the open globe. Within this perspective, the capability of our nation is still not effectively resolved in the structure of collaboration and competitors with other nations.

 Both of these issues, simultaneously must be overcome in purchase to enhance the standard of Indonesian individual. From this came the urgent issues to be anticipated as initiatives to create education, especially in Islamic colleges. Situation Islamic Greater Information Generally, the health of Indonesian Islamic schools are still recognized by many weak points. First, the weak point of recruiting (HR), management and financing. 

Meanwhile, we know that if an organization wants to remain functionally exist in the middle of the stream of every day lifestyle is progressively aggressive as it is nowadays, and this must be sustained by three factors, namely: recruiting, management and financing. Secondly, we understand that nowadays Islamic higher education organizations are still not able to properly recognize seek Islam according to the values Preferably. While individuals still position the Islamic organizations as the primary support beams that reinforced the success of Islam in recognizing its objectives as Rahmatan lil Alamin.

 Islamic higher education organizations are still not able to transform the values ​​of Islamic lessons contextually to the various issues experienced by town. Additionally, we still refer to Islamic higher education organizations have not been able to understand the major Islam. We still see that the Islamic group in the practice of their religious beliefs had been stopped on the flatlands of signs and formalistic.

 (Nata, 2001: 178-179) If we look at the history, that the ambitions of the Muslims in the growth of Islamic Religion (PTAI) was initially driven by several objectives, namely: (1) To carry out the assessment and growth and development of Islamic spiritual sciences at an advanced stage in a more methodical and focused; (2) To implement pengembangkan and a rise in the duplication of Islam; and (3) To execute duplication and regrowth of the local clergy and spiritual functionaries, both in the illness paperwork and the private sector, as well as community organizations, propaganda, education and so forth. (Azra, 1999: 24) In further improvements are trend-new propensity to reply to the growing requirements and difficulties in town. Some of these trends include among others:

 First, requirement for Islamic research that lead to non-mazhabi approach, resulting in diminishing sectarianism. Their lessons comparison schools, masa'il fiqhiyah, believed in Islam (The Science of Kalam, Islamic viewpoint, Sufism) and others, is an attempt to create ideas into the treasury of believed students past and contemporary to reply to various issues, requirements and difficulties of the periods , as well as initiatives to make the diminishing sectarianism. Such propensity is particularly appropriate in expectation of pluralism as well as the views of the nation's air Philippines Oneness in Variety.

 Second, regarding the shift from normative Islamic research towards a more historical, sociological and medical. These attempts are demonstrated among other stuff in the form of a combination between the medical and the source of exposure that common management, meaning of exposure manages to make a theory that kridibel and rewarding, and simultaneously medical results manages the procedure of understanding exposure.

 Third, regarding the wider medical alignment. (Muhaimin: 296-297) Indeed, higher education in Philippines in terms of the various signs rank the bottom of the greater education atmosphere in Asia. Entering the third century filled with competitors, condition higher education so certainly needs to be changed and enhanced high quality.

 The new model needs to be formulated, followed by translation of the perspective, objective, and programs to enhance high quality. One attempt to enhance the standard better education we enter the third century is to start relationships or networking, both with education at home and overseas, also with various research organizations best.

 Talking about higher education in the era of globalization, there are two carefully relevant measurements, namely: localism and globalism. It is extremely hard to build the organizations better education into the international lifestyle without improving the standard and organizations to train in our nation. Therefore, in speaking of the objective better education can not be divided from case research of the regional sizing and then in range with the developing international measurements.

 According to HAR Tilaar, (2000: 110) the regional sizing better education perspective we share common elements: 1) responsibility, 2) importance, 3) high quality, 4) institutional independence, and 5) a program of collaboration. On the international sizing of this perspective has three aspects: aggressive, high quality, and program collaboration. To comprehend the perspective and objective of the higher education is not without challenges, in achieving responsibility, limitations experienced was lack of community contribution. In addition to the alignment of the central government due to the central program is still very prominent.

 Scientific Growth Lately, seemed craving some of our higher education organizations towards "research university". This idea does have a basis. Institutions better education in the procedure of globalization where levels of competitors are getting clearer and the standard of manufacturing, such as the development better education organizations progressively become requirements, indeed the future existence of the organization better education will be determined by the capability of his research.

 College can not just be a viewer, or perhaps as a writer of individuals events that live and flourish in town. Indeed, higher education is no longer standing on an cream color structure or a stone structure at the top of community. The higher education is part of the nationwide development movement.

 According Soejanto as estimated by HAR Tilaar said, when the important points and truth in the community is the writing of the procedure better education to evaluate text messages in a significant perspective. This indicates that the important points it is necessary to evaluate its relation to community and social duration from the as a whole capability to be willing and able to see the writing that is reality and truth of community phenomena is still a difficult job for most of our colleges.

 This capability can only be enhanced if the minimal requirements of the school has been met, such as adequate school facilities, lab equipment, collection functions, and a navy of battle-ready indicates speaker who has the commitment and high professional skills. Closely relevant to improving the desire and capability better education organizations to look at individuals reality, is the growth of an excellent culture also asked for changes to the image of town and the students' academic lifestyle.

 Thus a view on one aspect of the growth better education we anticipate social change. Management pertaining to the mobilization of sources so that higher education organizations can execute FULLY match what individuals want from the organizations. There is a possibility that the institutional structure better education we need to be readjusted (restructuring) according to the periods. As an illustration, the requirements on the teaching career is improving ie that the training career requires the expertise of the basics of technological innovation is solid. (Allahu knows best bi sowab)

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