1.) Get Organized. From tests, assignments, projects, club meetings and study groups, you will have a full schedule while in college. It is very easy to fall behind if you do not stay organized and stay on top of your schedule. Dedicate a calendar specifically to school duties and due dates so you know exactly what is coming up.
2.) Create Study Groups for Each Class. There is no better way to be prepared for tests or quizzes than a study group. You can learn new study techniques from other students in your group or finally make connections from the book to your mind. Try to meet with your study group 2 times before each test and dedicate 2 hours of studying to each meeting.
3.) Join Clubs/Organizations. There are multiple benefits to joining a club or organization on your university's campus. Some advantages include: making new friends, growing your resume, meeting potential employers, getting ready for the business world, and lastly, helping your community.
4.) Communicate with your Professors. Professors teach, on average, 120-150 students per semester. College professors do not have time to regularly check in with each student to see how they are doing academically. If you are having problems with an assignment, or just want to ask a question, TALK TO YOUR PROFESSOR. They will not know you are in need of help unless you bring it to their attention first.
5.) Surround yourself with Positive and Encouraging People. No one needs negativity in their life, especially a college student. Having friends and family that urge you to succeed and love you unconditionally is extremely beneficial. If you need to vent about a professor or a difficult project, you have those positive people in your life to go to. They are also great for advice and support.
6.) Eat Healthy. Students do not realize how beneficial a healthy diet could be. Eating healthy means feeling healthy. You will have more energy, look better physically, and be able to accomplish more in one day.
7.) Get on a Regular Sleep Schedule. Sleep is extremely important. One can not function efficiently when running on 4-5 hours of sleep because you worked the late shift at Petco, then forgot you had a paper due that night as well. Keeping track of your schedule, staying on top of assignments, and getting things done early means a higher chance of you getting a good nights rest. A good nights sleep means you can function better during the day.