Problematics College

EDUCATION is an urgent thing in life that can not be separated from the human life cycle, a nature of being awarded the intellect and mind. The education process goes from conception until keliang lahat (read: dead). Education available anywhere and anytime. The education process is most effective is through formal education. Where the school is a clear manifestation of education conducted in phases on the basis of specific systems and policies.Jejang formal post-school education is further on Higher Education.

Where education is clarified by the concentration of a particular scientific field. So it is not surprising that High school became the center of change and development of science, anywhere in the world. That's one of the roles and functions of Higher Education.By attaching a very important role, of course the College must provide the Human Resources (HR) is ready made troble shooter in the life of society. Simultaneously mempu answered any form of challenge in tune with the interests of the people. The role of agents of chenge can be used as an alternative parameter based ideology College or better known as the Tri Darma Higher Education that includes education, research, and community service.Students and campus is an entity that can not be separated from the world Pergurna High.

Campus is a world that is very close to the students, which is not only populated by students, but also professors, janitors, security guards, administrative staff, as well as the biokrat which was instrumental in the decision making. Therefore, the need for equality, supported both education and administration systems

Compared with the empowerment of natural resources, agricultural and maritime. Ironically, there are no synchronization. In fact, science is not just maintaining a mere objective truth, but also must be adjusted to the values ​​of social, economic, cultural and religious society representative in this nation.This led, college is supposed to be the scientific community instead turned into an institution that is far from populist agenda. The system prevailing in Higher Education is currently nothing more than like a factory, as pridusen for workers.

Education is supposed to be the transformation of moral values-religious humanist values ​​instead mentaransformasikan mechanistic machine, making human oportuni, short-term thinking, and materelistis.As far as experience ever, Perguraun High (both public and private) are still dominant standing in another world that precisely counter-productive to the interests of rakyak. Such fact in line with the criticism Ivan Illick and Paulo Freire for education in developing countries who precisely did not return any results. Universities have not yet found its urgency in providing superior products in the country, such as students.See the existing problems will be effective measures and konferhensif supported by the entire academic community. Need for a paradigm shift structurally and culturally about the essence of education.

High perguraun institutions should be aware that the improvement of facilities and infrastructure is critical for the achievement of educational goals, as well as closely as possible to the business held teaching and learning process. Of course, the orientation of the study focused on pamahaman and scientific development.In general, private High Perguraun more tends to improve its quality in the field of education provision in gaining public confidence in the success of education programs. Mastery of environmental conditions in the learning process will menajdi tingglkat motivator on campus. And a strong motivator high perguaran will be a catalyst for cultural society in its territory.Only sometimes there are some university campuses who ignore, especially college campuses non-favorites. Infrastructure facilities and infrastructure are not properly managed, of course, with a variety of factors that influence it. Mainly due to the low cost of education and the number of students. It will get worse if the policy holder of Higher Education institutions are more materialistic berorienrasi short term. As a result, the condition of the campus left perfunctory

Acquisition and utilization of technology in the scope of university campuses High is no less important. During this time we believe that the mastery of technology is the answer to underdevelopment experienced by this nation against another nation. Utilization of computerized technology in university campuses will allow the administrative order as well as to control the management of the campus with ease. With the procurement of technology students are expected to gain administrative convenience and to access knowledge that the intellectual process can run fast. Technology-based education seems like the only answer needed.If that can be accomplished, the Higher Education institutions must appreciate the professionalism of teachers.

That is, that the welfare of teachers and employees is a necessity to be kretivitas, mobility and which necessitates a fundamental change that will continue to move forward and no longer restless kitchen. And surrender to the "spirituality duping" that he knew, but could not move slightly himself. Here's what to ringing ears "founding education", so that no longer survive in the head and chest, but the spirit and awareness of opportunities lifeblood of this nation sits in its forum called pendidian must be translated holistically and revesioner. For if this is allowed will be very vulnerable to worldly temptations tantamount provide space for corruption to flourish in the institutions of Higher Education

Culturally, educators should position itself as a facilitator who acted prural and democratic, giving space to think critically and understand the effort to cause the attitude of student responsibility for the existence of himself and his environment. Instead of giving a negative stigma to students who are considered bersebrangan with the logic of lecturers, especially biokrat campus. Restrictions on the activities of political bernuasan seringakli do, it is no more to bury critical potential that is in the student.

As for the events that are rah-rah, such as music or type of entertainment pegalaran even digalakan. This is tantamount to mengilusi awareness of the role and function of the students in the midst of the people who need them.It should be remembered hilanganya kretivitas and the emergence of educators, inherent inability on structural problems above. Attitude plural, democratic and culturally partisiipatoris educators is to do the reading and reflection back to the realm of ontological, epistemalogis, and axiological and nature of education itself. And this is only the case if structural problems above has been exceeded.

Therefore, educators today is not better and more problematic to pressure the reality of life that has long impartiality, rather than the students themselves. Lest enlightenment and formation of character today in accordance with the purpose of education itself, rather than as it is now is creating humanity complex how not, the environment is already out of control, lecturers and administrative staff unsteadily between idelisme and prakmatisme, automated student merely waste of the third complexities of living in a complex reality.stiq an-nur always strive to provide the best services in accordance with Tridharma colleges and vision stiq.

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