Learning and Teaching Ennhancement Culture Of Reflecting in Heigher Education

Institutional/programme and individual level for heigher education for strategies to establising a culture or rfelective has tobe pitched.

Institutional level
Firstly, the leadher ship of institution must clearly define the term RHELTE. This definition or appropriate phrase regarding RHELTE must be prominently featured the philosophical statement which gueides the institution's programmer and department function. Doing so signal the importance of RHELTE to the leadhership of the institution. 

The placement of the philosophical statement t prominent points in and outside the physical walls an/or on display boards; programmer/course materials; prospectus, website, emails signature; VLE or intranet and the encouragement of teachers to talk openly about the phylosophical statement should occur. The statement should also be prominenly placed on marketing and advertising materials and selected stationery.

Secondly, the senior management team and board of the institution should adopt or adapt a proffesional standards framework for teaching and supporting learning in heigehr education which has the idea of reflefctive teaching and learning parmeating the guide.

Thirdly, plan, implement and host conferences on RHELTE to make the public aware of the place and focus of RHELTE ini the institution. Encourage the scholarship of teaching and learning as a discipline by disseminating research finding in the area. Again, these signal the  importance placed on  this aspect of the institution by the leadhership of the institution.

Fourthly, develop and implement online and/or hard copy newsletter with a specific focus on RHELTE and which showcase staff's innovations and thoughts in the area. adopt or adapt an instrument that facilitate student's anonymous evaluation of modules and programmer teaching load and time -tabling of classes to allow teachers time critically reflect on their teaching and student's learning and how to enhance or improve both.

Individual level.
To encourage a culture of RHELTE at the individual level, there must be programmes and opportunities which develop, recognize and reward those who engage in this area.

Firstly, develop, validate and deliver (face-to-date, blended or full online) a mandatory RHELTE course for those new to teaching and/or the cocept reflective teaching in the institution. the course could be linked to the acquisition of an approriate proffesional qualification or status.

Secondly, offer bite size information session or lunch hour talk. These should be short event no more than half hour to one hour including Q&A and about once per month. In addition to shoort talks and lunch hour session, invite noted speakers to periodically offer longer talks and training session in specific aspect or RHELTE and encourage existing staff to also make presentations of best practices in RHELTE.

Thirdly, any assesment and peer observation of teaching staff should include assesing various aspect of RHELTE. additionally, staff should be ancouraged to attend seminars, workshop, webinars in RHELTE. They should also be encouraged to not just be consumer of new knowledge in the area but be producers, by presenting their own thoughts and ideas at these events.

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