Discuss college of Islamic Religion today as an educational institution is quite interesting. see and act upon the PTAI this time there must be some sort of pride or apreciation. initially, as the plural perceived by laymen. PTAI is less qualified college. often dialogue that PTAI are second-class Universities. of course, student also are people who come from certain circles and segment. but this time, the perception of such, had evolved in such a way that, in some measure, exceeded expectation. quite a lot of PTAI now that the quality is not interior to other.
This quality side, as mentioned above, developed along with the time change. These changes are certainly encouraging and boasts all of us, especially the Muslims of Indonesia. The views or perceptions of society as above, slowly also shift. In fact, some of PTAI this time, be a good college are much in demand by new students. Call it like the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Yogyakarta UIN, UIN Malang, other still a IAIN and STAIN-campus represents a new idol. Not surprisingly, these campuses also now a choice many students from various countries, especially from Islamic countries.
thing that needs to be underlined that the development PTAI in Indonesia today,
not in spite of institutional change. Changes in question is a religious
colleges, formerly solely pursue religious sciences, become college also
engages in general sciences. Islamic universities under the umbrella PTAI has
opened the general faculties, such as medicine, communications and branches of
other sciences. The opening of the faculties for the moment, the end of the
dichotomy of science that has hampered and often debated.
the perspective of Islam, Muhammad Ali believes that this integration includes
at least two important things: First, it's academic needs to be developed
mutual understanding or mutual understanding to strengthen the exchange of
information that is substantive and relevant between science and religion.
The exchange of information is to produce buildings or construction philosophical conceptions of rationality and the direction for practical decisions. Secondly, it is not merely an academic debate but also culturally expected that this integration into a collective consciousness. The dichotomy between general sciences and sciences of religion is irrelevant to practice as had occurred in Islamic educational institutions (PTAI).
The exchange of information is to produce buildings or construction philosophical conceptions of rationality and the direction for practical decisions. Secondly, it is not merely an academic debate but also culturally expected that this integration into a collective consciousness. The dichotomy between general sciences and sciences of religion is irrelevant to practice as had occurred in Islamic educational institutions (PTAI).
institutional changes, automatically pushing PTAI make changes, both on the
physical side-education facilities and infrastructure-as well as the management
side. Thus, any PTAI orientation shift. However, such a shift does not mean
PTAI leaving his trademark as a religious college. Instead, PTAI must remain
faithful to his nature as religious colleges, though steeped in science.
current development momentum should be utilized to the maximum. PTAI not be
stopped to clean up. The era of globalization is the era that presents many
challenges. Therefore, it should be realized that the era of globalization
requires their readiness to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive
and competition. Indeed, globalization has changed the map of space and time.
Correspondingly, PTAI must continue to improve the quality of self in order to
give birth to qualified graduates. Citing opinion AH Hujair. Sanaky which
states that the purpose of education as a system and a way to improve the
quality of human life in all aspects of life.
ideally PTAI not only excels in the mastery of modern sciences, but also to
give birth to persons character. This is relevant to the purpose of National
Education. Article I Act 2003 National Education System which includes that the
purpose of education is to develop the potential national learners to have
intelligence, personality and noble character. To this end, the important thing
done in this context are: first, redefined the purpose of education toward
character education; second, develop curricula PTAI based character education;
and third, applying the learning system character.